Thoughts Between Sundays

Some of what crosses my mind between Sundays

Mission Trip: Sunday

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So, you may have noticed that the blog posts started and then stopped.  Monday night, I blogged in a state of being really tired, and resolved to do it Tuesday when I was less exhausted.  But, when I sat down to write,  I instead spent some time in good conversations with members of the teams.  No worries, I thought, there’s always Wednesday….

Wednesday, I stepped onto part of a porch that had not been secured yet and fell 4 feet to the ground breaking my ankle in 2 places.  Oops…  I’ll tell that story later, but wanted to share some other thoughts too.  My camera is who knows where, so forgive the lack of pictures.  I’ll add them in when I find them.

When we were all talking on Tuesday night, I asked the groups to share how they were feeling about the work they had done.  The theme that kept coming up was “accomplished”.  My team started with open floor joists on Tuesday, and at the end of the day, we had installed the sub-floor and raised 3 walls.  The other team had finished a retaining wall (which involved a LOT of heavy lifting and moving sand and rocks), as well as completely finishing 2 rooms on the punch list.  Their house moves closer and closer to  occupancy…

One of my favorite parts of Tuesday on our site was watching the team-work happen.  One group put down a chalkline and drilled holes in the sub-floor to match the hurricane bolts.  Epoxy was put down, and as soon as I got out of the way doing that, the wood was put on top, and the corners secured.  The nailers came in and started pounding while we reset and did it all again.  There was a system, and fluidity, and a grace to the way our team came together.  I stood back and watched for a few moments, and it was like watching a well-choreographed dance.  I was really proud of us.

Here we are at the end of that night – our official group photo.  This group who went was amazing – -not only are we great workers, but the care and compassion that each of us showed for the other during the week was a pleasure to witness.  We all looked out for each other, made sure everyone stayed hydrated, and got everyone from point A to point B.  When I left on Wednesday, I was not worried about their ability to finish our trip in the least.  They did a great job!


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